
We must stop Russia's aggression together — Vladimir Zelensky to the Norwegian people

It is an honor for me to address the Norwegian people and politicians. I believe that Norway understands that the future of Europe, of the entire continent from north to south, from west to east, is being decided right now. On the Ukrainian soil, in the Ukrainian air, on the Ukrainian sea. And so that Norwegian soldiers won't have to defend NATO's eastern flank, so that Russian mines won't drift to Norwegian ports and fjords so that the Norwegians won't have to get used to the sound of air raids and so that Russian tanks won't pile up on their border, we must stop Russian aggression together.

Підтримайте редакцію Факти ICTV, яка 24/7 працює на інформаційному фронті війни з Росією. Надати допомогу👇👇👇

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